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How to have a relaxing Christmas

With Christmas only four weeks to go, I am sure that you are meeting yourself coming back and becoming frazzled in the process but really is this the type of Christmas that you want? I didnt think so. Christmas can be a simple time really, most people, guests and children just want a happy time, eating good tasty healthy food, watching Christmas movies under a blanket and presents too.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, try this Box Breathing exercise to slow down your breathing. When you are stressed you shallow breathe, this tightens your diaphragm building up the pressure. Stop and try this exercise.

This year has been tough for many people, if you are struggling to feel Christmassy, thats absolutely fine. You do not have to pretend to feel festive, maybe next year you will. So here is my suggestion to help you

If you struggling with a cold, try using Helpmeorganics “help me, im feeling under the weather” products, made with antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and anti microbial tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and tangerine. Available in a candle, massage oil, oil blend, room spray, reed diffuser and wax melts, the scent will clear your head, open your sinuses and help you breathe easier.

Helpmeorganics Under the weather wellness therapy gift set
Perfect gift for anyone who is poorly

Christmas is a time of beautiful scents, I am an aromatherapist so spend my time surrounded by scents, I would strongly recommend Helpmeorganics “help me say hello to winter”. Organic essential oils of fir needle, clove, lemon, ginger and sweet orange will diffuse around your home. Place an aromastone on the radiator in the hallway to create a wonderful warm welcome for visitors and you too!

I wish you a Happy Christmas and that 2025 will bring you lots of fun, laughter and adventures. Thank you for coming for treatments, buying my products and for being so lovely all year. Linda xx

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Christmas at Simply Relaxing

My little shop and salon comes alive at Christmas, there’s nothing more enjoyable than dressing the shop window. I always reuse decorations as that is important to you and me too.

Christmas can be a very busy stressful though fun time when you can be prone to viruses or burn out so have a look at my Top Five Tips to enjoy both Winter and Christmas

  • Drink plenty of water, warm to hot if you can as your digestive system appreciates this. Staying hydrated helps with headaches, sinus congestion, aches and pains, and energy.
  • Eat a rainbow everyday if possible to ensure you consume all your daily nutrients.
  • Keep moving. Exercise helps with your emotional wellbeing, keeps your lymph working properly and keeps you fit. Feeling strong ensures that your body can fight off seasonal coughs and colds.
  • Include essential oils at home and at work. Try using 2 drops of Helpmeorganics “help me, I’m feeling under the weather” blend, made with organic essential oils of tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender and tangerine.
Helpmeorganics Little Box of Essence Protect
// off winter coughs and colds with our organic essential oil blend

Having treatments at Christmas is really good for you, the salon is open longer to help you fit everything in! Here are our Additional Opening Times

Simply Relaxing Additional Christmas Opening Hours
Make time to relax this Christmas
Simply Relaxing Christmas Collection
Book yourself in for our 90 minute top to toe treatment

If you are looking for unique gifts, pop in and have a look at ours. Made in our workshop, carefully packaged and make with organic ingredients

Christmas Gift Guide
Find beautifully crafted gifts for friends and family

Have a wonderful Christmas and I hope 2025 is a healthy, happy year for you and your family, Linda x

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Christmas at Simply Relaxing 2023

It is time to book your appointments for the rest of the year, the salon becomes very busy and I want you to have your treatments at a day and time which is most convenient for you.

The special Christmas treatment packages are now available to book in for so take a look below and pencil in time to be quiet, calm and peaceful

Simply Relaxing Christmas treatment packages
Its time to book your Christmas treat!

Did you know we sell organic aromatherapy products and gifts?

From handpoured soy candles, soy wax melts, massage oils, reed diffusers, essential oil blends and letterbox gifts, we have gifts for your friends and family.

We offer a free local delivery service too!

We have changed from gift vouchers to gift promise vouchers, they seem to be working really well.

The gift promise vouchers is different to regular vouchers in that you either add the money to cover the treatment or you “promise” to pay when they book in. This makes the gift more personal, less stressful and, hopefully, more people will enjoy your gift.

Our Additional Special Opening Times are

  • Saturday Opening – 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd December 10am until 1pm
  • Wednesday 13th and 20th December 10am until 1pm
  • The salon and shop will be closed Christmas Eve
  • 28th & 29th December 10am until 1pm
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Winter Wellness

With the weather turning colder, much colder, your immune system can become weaker and more prone to viruses but follow our tips to help boost your body and calm your mind so you can enjoy everything winter has to offer.

available from or pop into our shop

By using antibacterial essential oils within your home and workplace, you are creating a healthy barrier against winter’s cold viruses. Eating certain foods also helps

  • Berries are rich in vitamin C and K, rich in fibre, magnesium, and potassium and are prebiotics which is good for your digestive system
  • Leafy greens are full of vitamins and minerals, they are also a rich source of phytonutrients. This means that they are rich in nutrients to boost your immunity.
  • it is recommended that we eat a rainbow every day to ensure that we have the complete range of vitamins and minerals to feed our body.
  • If you eat meat, oily fish is extremely rich in omega 3. Turkey has vitamins B6, B12, and niacin, and choline, very important nutrients for your brain function
  • If you are a vegetarian or vegan, nuts and seeds contain nutrient-rich vitamins. B12 is very tricky to include in your diet, it is recommended to take a supplement.
Eat to stay well this winter

During the winter our mood can lower due to the shorter days and longer nights, there are many actions you can take to improve this

  • Get outside every day in the daylight, you will be absorbing vitamin D which is believed to help with SAD.
  • Make sure you are active. Your lymph is pumped around your body by movement and breathing so get moving, go for a walk, dance, garden, cycle. The more you move the better your lymphatic system will be. After dancing, you always feel uplifted so shimmy to the kettle every day!
  • Body brushing, dry before your shower really helps to improve your circulation and exfoliates at the same time. Always brush lightly towards your heart. Have you seen Helpmeorganics Wellness Therapy Gift Boxes

Therapy wise, we have carefully selected special offers to help you through winter. The December offer is the Hot Stone Massage with Reflexology, this is the queen of all massages and will warm your muscles deep down to relieve tension. The gentle flow of the hot batu stones, aromatic massage oils, and reflexology will give you the boost you need.

We also recommend reflexology lymph drainage to help decongest your sinuses, why not combine this with a back, neck, face, and scalp massage or the Tibetan Acupressure Head Massage?

Finally, Winter is a wonderful season, and Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. It is a wonderful time of year, full of fun but also very busy and stressful. Please take your time to enjoy the lights, scents, and family time, don’t rush about trying to be perfect.

We work very hard to keep our prices down but there will be a price increase on January 1st, 2023. New price lists will be available in the shop and will be online on the 1st Jan 2023

Thank you for your support this year, I have been very touched by how many customers I see on a regular basis. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2023.

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Christmas Opening Hours 2021

Here we are, the week before Christmas, if you need to pop in for a gift voucher, here are our opening hours. If you have an appointment, please let me know as soon as possible (I need 48 hours notice minimum) if you are unable to keep your appointment, thank you xx

If you are calling into the shop, please wear your mask, thank you. I have gift vouchers which are blank so you can choose what you would like to give, they are valid for 6 months (Christmas vouchers will be valid until 30th June 2022)

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Have a lovely Christmas

It wont be the same but it can still be enjoyable so lets embrace Christmas for its true meaning. Reflect on the good things, the positives as Christmas is all about a wonderful “Light”, the birth of our saviour. It is also a time for family, the look in a childs face is priceless, this year I think we should all forget what we cant have or do and enjoy the bits we can, spending time with people we love. After this year, our families and friends are worth celebrating, I am so sorry if you cannot be with people you love, it will be tough but good times are on the horizon i am sure.

It is important to keep healthy. Keep a 2m distance, wash hands, wear our masks. Using essential oils within the home can help to fight bacteria, viruses. Tea tree, eucalyptus, Lavender, peppermint are the four most powerful essential oils around and Helpmeorganics has combined them in “help me, i’m feeling under the weather” products. Use them in bowls of water placed around your home, room sprays to spray in the hallway, car and kitchen. Candles to burn after cooking. Fill your home with this antibacterial scent, my home does so consider using these powerhouses too

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Special Dates for December & Christmas

Saturday 5TH DECEMBER IS “SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY” and this year it is more important than ever to support local small business/shops. Instead of filling Mr Amazons pockets, lets consider our own nations businesses and our local economy.  There are marvellous makers & independent shops that source their gifts away from China. When you buy from a small business, you make someones day with your purchase! I know as it puts a smile on my face x

Simply Relaxing will be open 9am until 12 midday

Saturday 12th December – we are open 9am until 12 midday

Saturday 19th December – we are open 9am until 12 midday

Christmas Eve – we are open 9am until 1pm

Tuesday 29th – 10am until 6pm

Wednesday 30th – 10am until 4pm

We are then closed until Tuesday 5th January 2021

If you want to buy a gift voucher, please arrange a day/time as we are operating a “one customer at a time” system to keep it all simple and safe

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I am writing this with the rain hitting the window, I think i can definately say that summer has ended and we are in autumn. Some may think this is a sad time but autumn is a beautiful vibrant season which often gets overlooked as we get busy for Christmas. So lets revel in Autumn.

If it important to get prepare, spend as much time as possible in the daylight to stock up on vitamin D, this helps with your mood and general health.

Being outside is very beneficial for our lymphatic system too, we are more active which means that lymph is pumped around our body clearing toxins and bringing fresh lymphocytes to fight infections.

There are many ways to boost your lymphatic system

1… be active even if thats dancing, running, gardening, just moving

2… drink water. If you are hydrated, your body is more efficient. I am a fan of hot water as this is kinder to your digestive system and flushes away toxins better

3… skin brush. You can do this by hand in the morning on dry skin before your shower. Begin at your ankles and with a sweeping motion, move up to your head. This is stimulating your circulation which again helps to fight infections as it brings fresh nutritious blood to your organs and joints

4… Use aromatherapy in your home and workplace. Make it organic aromatherapy too as this is more therapeutic and grown without pesticides

Here are our suggestions:

“help me, i’m feeling under the weather” essential oil blend

antibacterial essential oil blend

Powerful antibacterial essential oils of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Lavender and Tangerine will help clear sinuses, ease headaches and help to fight autumns coughs and colds

We like to add 2-3 drops in bowls of water and place around your home and home office to create a wonderful scent

5… The best treatments for autumn are:

  • Hopi ear candles which help to remove wax plugs which prevent your sinuses clearing naturally. You can also have the Sinus Massage which involves the ear candles, reflexology and a lymphatic facial massage
  • Warm Bamboo massage warms your muscles and eases toxins which make you feel achy so you move less. See our offer for October
  • Holistic Facial nourishes your skin plus we use “meridian tapping” to boost your energy.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage (and reflexology lymph drainage) is the perfect treatment to get your immune system at its best. If you struggle with seasonal coughs and colds, this is definately one for you. See our November offer
  • If you struggle with SAD, there are plenty of things to do now

1… make the most of getting outside

2…make a mood board for what you want to do in 2021

3…use aromatherapy to help relax you

helps to calm and soothe your mind.
organic essential oil blend

“help me have mindful of calm” essential oil blend uses organic essential oils of Frankincense, Geranium Bourbon and Lavender to ease feelings of anxiety, stress and being over whelmed

So lets make this Autumn as vibrant as the colours and as scented as we can.

Have a look at our Christmas treatments available on our website

This year we are not issuing gift vouchers whilst everyone enjoys the vouchers still outstanding. They are valid up to 31.1.21

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Winter is a beautiful time of year and one to definitely enjoy!! Yes the days can be shorter but its also a season for blankets, candles, movies, Christmas and being able to enjoy a lovely fresh walk.

This month, we celebrate our 25th birthday and I can’t believe it. 25 years ago I was nearing the end of my course and had to write a business plan, I always knew the name (Simply Relaxing) and I always knew that Holistic Therapies would be the key treatment. So my business was born.

In January 1995 i very nervously opened the doors to my shop and I do have to admit it took a time to attract my first customers. In 1995 having a regular massage was not deemed something that anyone could have as regular as having your hair cut, I am very proud to say that now having a massage, reflexology, reiki or facial is considered just as important as you have to look after yourself emotionally, physically and mentally . In 25 years this mindset has changed and I am so so very happy., how great that, hopefully, our children and grandchildren will continue to look after themselves inside and out.

Winter is a time for scent and we want you to fill your home with organic essential oils which smell beautiful but also keep you healthy. Have a look at Helpmeorganics website (

During the last 25years I have been very lucky to meet lots of wonderful people (and look forward to meeting even more in years to come). I have enjoyed hearing your news and that you have been interested in my news too, this has meant so much to me. So this Friday (6th December) come along and enjoy a glass of champagne to celebrate this brave leap of faith that I could make Simply Relaxing work. I do have to say that my business plan has been updated many times and is now my masterplan to take my business into a chapter where I take my foot ever so slightly off the pedal and enjoy lots of other things too.

I have always said that you have to have a balance and maybe its time that I get some balance too but I am definately 100% as passionate about Simply Relaxing and bringing more new therapies for you to enjoy even if only 3 days a week but lets see how things get set up. I will always put you first.

Please read through all the special offers and Christmas packages, we do still offer vouchers but I am trying to get you to arrange the treat too and maybe even bring them to the salon. A proper treat!!

The December special offer is all about boosting your immune system to help fight off coughs and colds. We use specialised manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques to pump your lymph around your body, releasing toxins as we go. It is a full body massage and we have added reflexology and an express facial to complete the treat, £55

Our Christmas Opening Times for the week running up to Christmas are available in the shop and are available on the “Christmas 2019” section on the website.

I would like to thank you for being the loveliest people I could meet, I am very lucky.