As the weather is becoming cold, we naturally turn on the central heating which creates a dry environment within our homes and work places, this can irritate our sinuses as can coughs and colds.
The sinus massage treatment combines all the therapeutic benefits of Hopi ear candles, lymphatic facial massage and reflexology to gently stimulate your natural drainage, add to this a 15 minute back massage and you have a wonderful treatment just perfect for winter.
The hopi ear candles work gently to remove any wax plug, the plugs can prevent your ears from naturally draining and building pressure in your head. Lymphatic massage helps to clear toxins to your lymph nodes, this stimulates your immunity to help fight viruses and bacteria. And the final part of this massage is Reflexology, we perform RLD (reflexology for lymph drainage) which works by assisting the lymphatic system to fight infection, your lymph is not pumped around your body like your blood, exercise, breathing and massage help to pump the lymph. During RLD, we clear your lymph nodes and drain the toxins to the nearest healthy node. Please dont worry if you have had nodes removed, we simply use the nearest healthy nodes to drain to.
The cost of this treatment is £45 and takes approximate 60 mintes.