Here we are saying hello to September and the change from summer to autumn which, can be, a real shift in how we feel. We must take extra care of our immune system and eat extra healthily to boost our lymphatic system so that our body can fight off viruses, coughs and colds. you can help by doing these suggestions:
1… Eat more vegetables and fruits/salads as these contain minerals which are highly nutritious, thankfully they are in abundance. Blackberries are coming into season now and are packed full of iron and vitamin C. Have you tried smoothies? They are an excellent way of getting lots of different food groups, grains into a filling snack.
2…September is “Sourdough Month”. Sourdough is an excellent way to get extra iron into your diet and the healthy bacteria used to make sourdough really helps your digestion. A healthy gut will help to fight off infections.
3..Use essential oils within your home and workplace. With schools and colleges returning, it is essential to create a protective bubble around our families. Try Helpmeorganics “help me, i’m feeling under the weather” blend, a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic blend of organic essential oils have been combined to create a range of products for you to use. With alot of us working from home, there is no reason why you cant incorporate scent into your homelife easier.
4.. September is also Organic month. I am a great believer is eating organic foods, they retain maximum nutrients , are not grown with pesticides and have no impact on nature. The farmers protect the soil structure and welcome insects to help keep the crops healthy. Lets support all organic farmers by buying organic. Its not only eating organic food, using organic products within our home, office and garden is vital to protect insects, wildlife, soil and our waterways. There are many businesses who produce organic products and they tend to be smaller businesses so why not investigate them. Speaking from someone who creates her own organic aromatherapy products, it makes my day when someone buys a candle, room spray, blend, massage oil or gift.
5…Getting out for a long walk is very healthy for our vitamin D levels, our body makes it from sunshine and theres no nicer sunshine than an autumn day. The leaves are changing colour to rich russets, spicy orange, yellows, greens and browns, if you are feeling stressed, spend time connecting in nature. There is no lovelier light than the autumnal light…enjoy it!!
The special offer for September is the Balinese massage with reflexology (£50), this begins with an exfoliation, balinese massage which boosts your energy and helps you to relax. Then after reflexology we apply a hydrating body lotion to seal in the moisture. All this is done without you moving a muscle.
Do you born in Autumn? Here are my observations:
Autumn, season of mists, the garden is at its bountiful peak, flowers are getting ready for their last hurrah and there is a feeling of exuberance and productivity. Colours are bold, intense, muted and very beautiful. Leaves turn an intense shades of red, copper, gold and yellow before fluttering to the ground and leaving a very different landscape at the end of season to the one we started with. The gentle pace of summer is over, autumn runs at a pace.
Passionate, energetic, enthusiastic and highly independent, autumn personalities love to challenge established norms. They are great campaigners and have a strong sense of justice. Warm, friendly, loyal and earthy people, they have a great love and respect for the natural world.
An autumn person often takes on too much, but their organisation, practicality and strong work ethic means that they will rarely let you down. Integrity is very important to them. Whilst family and friends are at the heart of an autumn personality, so is personal achievement. They are lifelong learners and their professional status is very important to them.
An autumn person finds it difficult to see things from others perspectives and can be stubborn when challenged. Whilst they can be bossy, they will be loyal.
An autumn persons loves the past and is often fascinated by history, they can be collectors.
If you have a child off to uni for the first time or returning after Covid
Maybe your child is off to live in accomodation for the first time being away from home, you can help to fight off Freshers flu by giving them a room spray from helpmeorganics “help me, I’m feeling under the weather”. 1-2 bursts in 2 corners will create a protective bubble. If they are feeling homesick, there’s plenty to help:
1… Headspace or the calm app are excellent as they are apps for their phones. Simply pop your headphones in and do some mindful breathing.
2… Rescue remedy is perfect. They are flower essences which help to remedy emotional states of mind. 4 drops in a cold drink will help bring them back into control.
3.. Use “help me have a mindful of calm” room spray at night to help with sleep
What treatments will help me feel healthy during Autumn
1… Try our september offer, massage helps to pump your lymph around and brings fresh nutritious blood to your muscles and organs
2…Ear candles and Sinus Massage helps to clear wax plugs so that your sinuses can drain naturally
3…Look out for our offer in October….The Warm Bamboo massage. Autumn is perfect to enjoy a warming massage
The transition from summer to autumn can be a test for how healthy you are but by eating well, lots of fresh air and using organic essential oils, you will beable to enjoy this most colourful time of the year